David Manning

School of Natural & Environmental Sciences,
Newcastle University

Svetlana Remizova

Geology and Geoecology Department,
Faculty of Geography,
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Michael Zolensky

NASA Johnson Space Center

Piero Gianolla

Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Ferrara

Khin Zaw

CODES Centre of Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences,
University of Tasmania

Clive Burrett

Palaeontological Research and Education Centre
Mahasarakham University

Katsuo Sashida

Division of Geoscience,
Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus

Punya Charusiri

Department of Mineral Resources (Thailand)

Prinya Putthapiban

Division of Geoscience,
Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus