English is official language of the conference. The following icons may be included on slides or posters to express that no result should be posted on any social media networks or blogs-device settings.

Oral presentations
Presenter preparation facilities (speaker ready room) will be available for uploading presentations. The presentation format is 4:3 ratio and 16:9 ratio. The computer will be connected to a projector in the conference hall via an HDMI cable.

  • 30 minutes will be allocated for keynote speakers (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions & answers).
  • 15 minutes for other oral presentations (12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions & answers).


Poster presentations

The standard poster size of A0 portrait format (84 cm width and 120 cm height) is recommended. The content; letters, maps and diagrams should be readable and clear.