We aim to nurture our students to become entrepreneurial-mindset.  Further details about how we groom our students to obtain this skill are as follows:

ED Innovation Day

The program arranges an “ED Innovation Day” activity to encourage students to develop a conceptual model or prototype from fundamental engineering knowledge. The activity targets the sophomore (2nd -year) and junior (3rd-year) students in ED programs.

Students enrolled in KAED 340 Design of Air Pollution Control System, KAED 330 Solid Waste Engineering, and KAED 348 English for Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management are required to present their innovations or idea. For example, 16 innovations were presented in 2021.  The presentation style is not limited depending on the course requirement to achieve learning outcomes.  Furthermore, not limited to the course requirement, the activity is also freely open for any group of students to present their works. The awards will be given based on the popular votes.  A variety of awards is available to cover all areas of environmental engineering and disaster management and cheer up students for their hard work.

Every year, extra-curricular activities are supplemented for grooming our students about innovation in the ED Innovation day.  For example, in 2021, the ED Innovation Day included a “3D printing workshop” to provide students with the skill of building product prototypes.  The outcome of this activity leads to change course syllabus of the program.  The 3D printing is recently added to Engineering Drawing, a required course for sophomores.  Moreover, in 2022, the “Commercial Pitching Workshop using LEAN CANVAS” was arranged to incubate the students in the entrepreneurial mindset—integrating economic, social, and environmental issues into their innovation and creative idea.  The workshop also enhanced the communication skill of the students so that they could confidently present their works to a broad array of audiences with different backgrounds of knowledge.  Feedback from the students participating in the workshops of “ED Innovation Day” confirm that most students are more self-confident in public communications and eager to develop their entrepreneurship.

International Seminar

Once we gloom our students to have innovative and entrepreneurial-mindset skills, the international seminar on environmental engineering and disaster management is annually established.  The seminar is part of the learning approach for the KAED 491 Engineering Project, which requires all senior (4th-year) students to participate the activity.  This is to promote our students for developing self-motivation and individual’s competitiveness and to enhance the roles of the students as global citizens and global awareness.  Typical examples of international seminars that we arrange for our students are as follows:

The International Seminar on Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management was launched in 2021. The seminar has been scheduled at the end of the second semester.  It was hosted by the Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management Program, Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus.  Professors and students from Changwon National University, South Korea, and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur (UPNVJT), Indonesia, participated in this seminar.

In 2022, the international seminar was also organized but we invited two more institutions to participate in the seminar; including University of York, UK, and Van Lang University, Vietnam.  Successful statistics from the seminar are as follows:

  • A total of 28 talks (4 professors, 23 undergraduates, and one graduate)
  • Topics respond to 10 SDG goals—50% SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation, 28% SDG9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 25% SDG11Sustainable Cities and Communities, and 21% SDG13 Climate Action.


Senior X is also a showcase for final-year students prior to their graduation. Students who have been screened from the international seminars as mentioned previously have to demonstrate how to apply knowledge that they have already learned in the program together with from literature searches to their project work properly.  Students have to make online oral presentation of their project work via power point or poster presentation. Committee will assess students’ work via rubric score with marking schemes.

Please check the criteria of rubric score prior to having a “Senior x” examination. You could also get some examples of project works from graduated students by using your username and password to access the following links.  We also have rewards for students who make good presentations and research works


Typical examples of awards from previous ED students are given below.  These include awards from Senior X and other organizations.