Two computer rooms are placed at the 2nd and 3rd floor of the General Learning Building.  Over 100 computers are operated in these rooms for study, on-line examination, and training.  The computer room at the 3rd floor is certified by ICDL which is an international examination body for evaluating digital literacy skill.  Therefore, this computer room could be used to conduct the  training and examination of international digital literacy skill for students and staffs.

Moreover, the on-line examination for English literacy and others is supported by these computer rooms.  Especially, the computer-based examination (MUELTS), which is a standard English examination developed by Mahidol University, is conducted at least once a month.

Apart from studying and training, these rooms are served for training for extra curricular activities.  For example, the GIS programs have been trained by Faculty of Environmental and  Resource Studies, Mahidol University and GISTDA for our staffs, students, and externals.