Certificate and Accreditation

Program Level

Apart from being certified routinely by nationally professional associations for bachelors’ degree in environmental engineering and disaster management, accountancy, and geoscience programs, the program assessment for the environmental engineering program has been internationally evaluated by AUN-QA.  Details of the certificate are shown below.

Laboratory Level

All our laboratories related to chemical substances are certified for ESPReL (Research Laboratory Safety Standards in Thailand) to make laboratories “safe and secure” for researchers’ work and practitioners involved in laboratories.  In addition, 11 laboratories are currently and nationally certified to peer evaluation.  Further details of the certificates are given in the following link.  In addition, the radiation lab has been awarded for “safe and secure” management.

Green Area

Gold award has been acknowledged by the Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for green area management of Vimandin Training and Development Center, Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus (Figure Below).

Green Residence

Three gold awards, which are accredited by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, have also been taken to three dormitories of Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus; namely Kanpai 1, Kanpai 2, and Kallaprapruek.  This is to confirm that the accommodations for students and staff are aware of “safe, secure, and environment-friendly” management.

Overall Campus Level

Mahidol University has already applied for the international management system covering for all our missions and all designated areas.  This is to confirm that all activities and missions at the MUKA are designated to be “safe, secure, and environment-friendly” management.  The international certificate of ISO 14001: 2015 being certified is shown below.

Greenhouse Gas Emission

As the Mahidol University sets the policy “9 to zero” which plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the university to zero within 9 years or by 2030, MUKA cascades the university’s policy to our campus.  Right now, carbon sink for the green area of the Mahidol University Kanchanaburi campus which is evaluated by LESS (the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)) is over 87,000 ton carbon dioxide equivalent.  The greenhouse gas emissions at the MUKA exploits only 900 ton carbon dioxide equivalent which is nearly 100 times less than the carbon sink being evaluated.  Even though MUKA has already passed the “Net Zero Emission” policy, we still continue our actions to reduce green house gas in our campus.  Nine principles guide for action; including renewable energy, resource efficiency, clean energy for transportation, green area (carbon sink), green procurement, research and technology for a carbon capture / reduction, plant-based consumption, zero waste to landfill, and monitoring & improvement, which are recommended by university are also implemented in our campus.  Many KPIs for ISO 14001 have been set to follow this guide.  For example, clean energy has been currently used and replaced for energy consumption over 30%.  Attempts have been made to increase the replacement of energy consumption up to 45% within 4 years.