Course Description

MUGE 100 General Education for Human Development 3 (3-0-6)
Well-rounded graduates, key issues affecting society and the environment with respect to one’ particular context; holistically integrated knowledge to identify the key factors; speaking and writing to target audiences with respect to objectives; being accountable, respecting different opinions, a leader or a member of a team and work as a team to come up with a systematic basic research-based solution or guidelines to manage the key issues; mindful and intellectual assessment of both positive and negative impacts of the key issues in order to happily live with society and nature
KAGE 102 The world of bioresource technology 2 (2-0-4)
Definition and importance of biological resources; Technology for plant improvement and propagation; Plant disease and insect pest; Microorganisms for agriculture; New economic crop; Climate change; Human and environment; Biorefinery; Bio economy; Circular economy; Green economy; Future foods; Concerns about bioresource degradation and environmental crisis; Bioresource technology for sustainable production and consumption


KAAG 104 General Chemistry for Agricultural Science 2 (2-0-4)
Gases; solids; liquids; ion equilibrium; electrochemistry; chemical series periodic table: representa-tion elements: transition elements; organic and inorganic chemistry; fundamental knowledge of chemical analysis both qualitative and quantitative; calculations concentration of solution and buffer; error; accuracy; precision; statistics for analytical chemistry; chemical equilibria and electrolyte


SCBI 125 General Biology II 3 (3-0-6)
Biodiversity and diversity status of Thailand, classification and diversity of Eubacteria, Archaea and Eukarya; reproduction, embryo development and organogenesis; animal form and function, such as food procurement and digestion, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, immune system, homeostasis, hormones, and nerve system
SCBI 104 Biology Laboratory II 1 (0-3-1)
Classification of plants, invertebrates and chordates, process of development and regeneration, anatomy of frogs, hormone control and homeostasis, nervous system and control, Laboratory examination is required


KAAG 204 Organics and Biochemistry for Agricultural Science 4 (3-3-7)
Organic chemistry in agriculture food and health, structure, classification, nomenclature, reaction in organic chemistry; steriochemistry; Isomers of organics in agriculture; alkane and cycloalkane in agriculture; alkene and cycloalkene in agriculture, alkine in agriculture; testing of organic substances, aromatic hydrocarbon and halide compounds; alcohol, phenol and ether compounds, aldehyde and ketone compounds, carboxylic and its derivative compound; amine; carbohydrate; lipid, protein, metabolism, testing biomolecule compounds; enzyme; the relationship between metabolic pathways


KAAG 264 Analytical Chemistry for Agricultural Science Laboratory 2 (1-1-3)
Analysis skills include both quantitative and qualitative techniques such as: Titration; UV-Visible spectroscopy for molecular absorption analysis; Atomic absorption spectroscopy for atom-based absorption analysis; Atomic emission spectroscopy for atom-based emission analysis; Potentiometric ion-selective electrode-based chemi-cal analysis; pH measurement for acid-base analysis; High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for liquid-based separation and analysis; Gas chromatography (GC) for gas-based separation and analysis; Sampling and sample prepa-ration techniques; Acid-base titration; Precipitation titration; Complexometric titration; Redox titration; Spectrophoto-metric instruments (covering ultraviolet-visible, visible, and measurement of atomic absorption and emission); Electro-chemical instruments (including measurement of electrical potential and electrical conductivity); Chromatographic instruments (such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography) with a focus on safety


KAID 270 Introduction to Statistics 2 (2-0-4)
Probability, random variables and probability distributions, mathematical expectation, special probability distributions; descriptive statistics, sampling distributions, point estimation, interval estimation; hypothesis testing, elementary use of statistical software


KAID 280 General Physics for Agricultural Science 4 (4-0-8)
Mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, waves, optics; quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics
KAID 370 Experimental Designs 3 (3-0-6)
Basic principles of experimental design; completely randomized design; randomized blocked design; Latin square design; factorial experiments; slit-plot experiment, SPSS program; Interpretation of the result from a statistical analysis
KAAG 103 Introduction to Agriculture Science 2 (2-0-4)
Basic knowledge in agricultural science; plant and animal productions; soil, fertilizer and water managements; integrated pest management; breeding; postharvest handling; processing for energy and foods; agriculture for medicine; agricultural biotechnology; the ornamental use of plant; agricultural extensions; agribusiness; altruism and ethics


KAAG 215 Science and Technology of Economics Crop Production 3 (2-3-5)
Classification of economic crops, botanical characteristics, plantation, cultivation, harvest, pest management, utilization, marketing, the basic farming system, teamwork and punctuality


KAAG 223 Science and Technology of Economic Animal Production 3 (2-3-5)
The importance of economic animals; livestocks and aquatic animals; feeds and digestion; animal husbandry; reproduction; screening; breeding; farm management; sanitation; prevention of diseases; marketing, and regulations and laws related to economic animals; altruism and ethics of animal production; teamwork; presentation of selected topics


KAAG 228 Industrial Crop Science for Energy 2 (2-0-4)
Classification of industrial crop for alternative energy sources and sustainable energy sources, performing an objective physiology; morphology analysis on each crop such as cassava; sugarcane; oil palm; physic nut and algae; paying particular attention to the production system and the policy about alternative energy sources as well as the limitations exist in terms of extracting useable energy


KAAG 319 Plant Breeding 3 (2-3-5)
Concepts of plant breeding; genetic inheritance; population genetic; heritability, the heterosis theory, the methods of selection; breeding of self and cross pollination crops; cytogenetic and biotechnology in plant breeding; plant mutation; altruism and ethics; teamwork principles


KAAG 334 Soil Science 2 (2-0-4)
Soil genesis, soil properties in all terms of chemical and physical of soil; soil classification; soil management and fertilizer and its use for plant production; organics farming; soil survey and field trip; teamwork


KAAG 347 Alcohol and Biodiesel Production Technology 3 (2-3-5)
The microbial for fermentation; flour and sugar processing to alcohol; factors affecting fermentation system; alcohol production techniques and distillation; the lipid analysis in horticulture crops for energy; the production of biodiesel; waste treatment and utilization; ethanol and biodiesel production business


KAAG 355 Principles of Integrated Pest Management 3 (2-3-5)
The importance of plant pests; classification; epidemiology; prevention; controlling; and management of insects, mites, plant diseases, weeds, birds, rats, bats, mollusks, and integrated plant pest management; safety and environmental impacts; teamwork; presentation of selected topics
KAAG 363 Practical Study of Agricultural Science for plant Production I 1 (0-3-1)
A practice in the field of agricultural science; the knowledge of soil science and plant physiology; the basic data of the efficient plant production such as soil component; soil fertilization, and plant physiological parameters; energy crops or other interesting plants used as the plant model for the study; teamwork principles


KAAG 386 Regulation and Laws in Agricultural System 2 (2-0-4)
Regulations and Acts related to the use of plant varieties; Act on the use of animals for scientific purposes, Pathogens and Animal Toxins Act Promotion for Scientific and Technological Professions Act; Regula-tion of Agricultural Chemicals uses, the agricultural product standards act and certification; Environmental Awareness and Conservation of Natural Resources and new regulations
KAAG 208 Genetic for Agriculture 2 (2-0-4)
Genetic material, calculations: Mendelian genetic, gene interaction, probability, molecular genetics, multiple alleles, genetic recombination, gene and chromosome structure, precision, statistics; heritability, mutation, population genetic, genetics research, applications genetic for agriculture


KAAG 262 Field Trip for Agricultural Science 1 (0-3-1)
The visit of plant and animal production: agricultural industry: institutions involved in agricultural science: agricultural fields, flower gardens, the cultivation of medicinal plants; fertilizer manufacturing, animal farms, the production process; the agricultural industrial management; the entrepreneur mindset
KAAG 318 Physiology in Crop Production 2 (2-0-4)
Plant physiological characteristics related to crop production, photosynthesis, respiration, absorption mechanism, water and nutrient transportation; environments, water soil characteristics, light, temperature, humidity; plant hormones; plant growth and development; farm practices, irrigation, fertilization; crop yield and quality


KAAG 337 Microbiology for Agricultural Science 3 (2-3-5)
Basic knowledge of microorganisms, particularly bacteria and fungi, regardigthe shape, structure and functions; physiology and genetics, microbial classification and taxonomy; host-microorganism interaction, control and immunity; sterilization and disinfection; importance and an application of major microorganisms in agriculture, industry, environment, and public health


KAAG 346 Postharvest Technology 2 (1-3-3)
Classifying products under the effect of physiological, chemical, biochemical insect, and microbiological changes of crop products in post harvest: cereal crops, ornamental plants, spicy and medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits, dealing with the product management preparation and preservation before the process of packaging or other processes


KAAG 373 Seminar I 1 (1-0-2)
Searching for modern and interesting research papers and academic papers related to agricultural science; writing references; discussion on research papers by teamwork; writing the document of selected topics and presentation of work in the seminar by using various media, using communication skills in either Thai or English
KAAG 375 Seminar II 1 (1-0-2)
Academic data retrieval; communicating, analysing, criticizing information gained from various sources; synthesize; publishing, the results of their interested topic; presenting scientific information in various forms; academic communication in English


KAAG 466 Training 1 (0-3-1)
The study of the working processes and training in the agricultural science fields at least 120 hours or 4 weeks; an integration of the theory and practical skills related to the knowledge of agricultural science; communication skill, teamwork, ethics at work and self-responsibility


KAAG 474 Senior Project 4 (0-12-4)
The identification of research problems; the design of experiments in agricultural science; literature review; formation of objectives and hypotheses; experiment for testing hypothesis, data collection, data analysis, final report writing; presentation, safety concerns in doing research


KAAG 467 Cooperative Education 6 (0-18-6)
Cooperative education of students to perform their knowledge and skills as employees at public or private organizations related to agricultural science under the staff supervisor at least 16 weeks; problem solving skills; interpersonal skills; teamwork; passing at least 30 hours of cooperative study preparation and orientation; performing both regular work and research; the identification of research problems; the formation of objectives and hypotheses; the design of experiments in agricultural science; the experiment for testing the hypothesis; data collection and analysis; final report writing; presentation of the works by using various media in the seminar either with advisors or cooperative education supervisors, academic communication in English


KAGE 260 Administration and Organization Management 3 (3-0-6)
Principles of management, the roles of managers in planning, organizing, leading, directing, motivating, communicating, coordinating and controlling in order to achieve the organization goals. Introduction to economics, demand-supply, equilibrium, elasticity and category of goods, market system in economics, production cost, national income account, economic growth, elementary finance, how to read financial statements, the important financial ratios, financial planning, investment, investment diversification


KAID 242 English for Project Writing and Presentation 3 (3-0-6)
Using English in writing and presenting projects by integrating four language learning strategies: listening, speaking, writing, and reading in order to understand the process of project preparation such as sharing opinions, brainstorming, searching for information, collecting data and writing reports, as well as, knowing techniques to prepare for project presentations in conferences
KAID 243 English for Research 3 (3-0-6)
Grammar, vocabulary, expressions, and learning strategies in writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills in scientific and social science research contexts
KAID 240 English for Organizational Communications 3 (3-0-6)
Grammar, vocabulary, expressions, and learning strategies of four basic skills in English including speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as intercultural communication, being relevant to organizational communications
KAAG 205 Principle of Art for Landscape Design 1 (0-3-1)
An introduction history of art, elements of art, art in landscape design, equipment design, stationery in art works, light and shadow, color theory and painting, symbol in landscape design contour and slope presentation in landscape design project, elevation and section, perspective, basic computer application for landscape design, model in landscape design; dish garden; presentation in design project
KAAG 207 Agricultural Extension 3 (2-3-5)
Concept, principles, importance, and paradigms of agricultural extension; the role of agricultural extensionist; human resource and agricultural community development; principles of interdisciplinary agricultural extension; problem identification; community assessment; techniques and tools in agricultural extension; project writing and management; problem-solving selection; extension evaluation; case study, field trip
KAAG 209 Mathematics for Agricultural Science II 2 (2-0-4)
Ordinary differential equations, linear first order differential equations, non-linear first order differential equations, second order differential equations; systems of linear equations, systems of differential equations, matrices, determinants; modeling and simulation, applications of mathematics in agricultural science discipline


KAAG 216 Ornamental Plant 3 (2-3-5)
The meaning and importance of ornamental plants; the classification of ornamental plants, commercial ornamental plants production and marketing; an application of ornamental plants to landscape design; field trip; discussion and presentation of ornamental plant projects


KAAG 218 Technology of mushroom production and processing innovations 3 (2-3-5)
Biology of mushroom, nutrients requirement, diversity of mushroom, suitable factors for mushroom growth, technology of mushroom cultivation, innovations in mushroom processing, mushroom utilization and modern applications, poisonous mushroom, management of mushroom farms, mushroom pests, sustainable mushroom farming, altruism and ethics


KAAG 224 Plant Tissue for Agriculture 3 (2-3-5)
Principal and the benefits of plant tissue culture for agriculture; preparation laboratory and indispensable tools for plant tissue culture; culture medium; plant hormone; environmental factors; cell and tissue culture technics; plant propagation; plant breeding; conservation; mutation; advance technics in plant breeding; teamwork


KAAG 225 Seed Science and Technology 3 (2-3-5)
The science of seed science, the practical aspects of seed physiology, seed production, seed development and maturation, seed drying and storage, seed viability, vigor and dormancy and the relationship with seed technology in agriculture and horticulture; seed testing methods under the rules of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) performed for practical laboratories


KAAG 226 Pomology and Orchard Management 3 (2-3-5)
Fruit crop; standpoint of cultivation; orchard management; propagation; methods of improving fruit production; harvesting and post-harvest technology and field trip; to encourage students to work as a group and join working with farmers


KAAG 270 Action project in agricultural organization and community 3 (2-3-5)
Concept; role; importance and methods of action project for agricultural organization and community change; field experience; case study; field trip; reflections on project experience


KAAG 283 Thai Agricultural Wisdom 3 (2-3-5)
Meaning; significance; the concept of agricultural wisdom; the wisdom of farm management, agricultural inventions; crop production and protection; livestock production; processing of agricultural products; and other areas related to agriculture; teamwork


KAAG 284 Agribusiness 3 (3-0-6)
Concepts; role and importance of agribusiness; agribusiness system structure; agribusi-ness management; agribusiness marketing; accounting and finance in agribusiness; agribusiness model; agribusiness project analysis; agribusiness pitching; preparation of an agribusiness entrepreneur; green agricultural industry; ethics and corporate social responsibility; research methodology in agribusiness
KAAG 305 Agricultural Machinery and Irrigation 3 (2-3-5)
Principles of agricultural machinery and irrigation; engine prime mover and tractor for agriculture; soil preparation machine; planting machine; fertilizer equipment, harvester, post harvester; selection, precision; decision; the irrigation system precision farming; the support system in agriculture; teamwork


KAAG 316 Principle of Plant Propagation 2 (1-3-3)
Vegetative and reproductive propagation; factors affecting plant propagation; the selection and preparation of stock plants; planting bed preparation, equipment and systems, cuttings, grafting and layering, acclimatization of transplants; physiology, morphology, anatomy; the growth and development of propagated parts and seeds


KAAG 323 Basic Animal Anatomy 3 (3-0-6)
The structure of cell tissue and various organ systems such as bone-joint, muscular, nervous, endocrine, integument, special sense, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive, cardiovascular, and respiratory and immune systems; altruism and ethics in research; presentation of selected topics


KAAG 324 Basic Animal Physiology 3 (3-0-6)
Functions of cell tissue and various organ systems such as bone-joint, muscular, nervous, endocrine, integument, special sense, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive, cardiovascular, and respiratory and immune systems; altruism and ethics in research; presentation of selected topics


KAAG 334 Landscape Design 3 (2-3-5)
Meaning, history, and styles of garden, site survey and mapping, principles of design and site planning; construction and materials in the landscape, plant material design; decorative and rock gardens, indoor and roof gardens, design of the waterfall stream and fountain; cost estimation, computer applications in landscape design, landscape maintenance; discussion and presentation of landscape design projects


KAAG 348 Natural Products and Their Application 3 (2-3-5)
The meaning of natural products; basic biosynthetic pathway; extraction; isolation and identification of natural products; basic techniques for structure elucidation; bioassay; extraction of active compounds from medicinal plants; quality control in raw materials; business plan for natural products


KAAG 353 Principle of Plant Pathology and Protection 3 (2-3-5)
The importance of the plant diseases, the symptoms and cause of plant diseases; microorganisms causing the disease; the disease cycle, the interaction between pathogen and host plants, epidemiology; plant disease diagnosis; principles and methods of plant disease control measures by various methods including cultural, chemical, biological, and biological agents control; safety and environmental impacts


KAAG 354 Agricultural Entomology and Acarology 3 (2-3-5)
The identification of insects and mites, the importance of insects and mites; life history, life cycle, behaviors, habitat, host plant; economic crops of Thailand, destruction, damage, and management of insect and mite pests; safety concerns of the environment; presentation of selected topics


KAAG 356 Agricultural Chemicals and Biological Products 3 (2-3-5)
The identification of chemical groups, biological products; mode of actions; selection of chemical groups and biological products; and application of pest management in agriculture; safety concerns of the environment; presentation of selected topics
KAAG 374 Research Advance in Agricultural Science 3 (3-0-6)
Knowledge in scientific information base, the construction of science knowledge and articles: reading and writing in collaborative group/individual; updating information, knowledge of researches advances in science e.g. agricultural science


KAAG 384 Computer for Agricultural Science 3 (2-3-5)
Component and principles of computer operation, the computer operation system; the database management; the application software of word processor, spreadsheet and the agricultural data analysis, teamwork


KAAG 387 Sustainable Farming System 3 (3-0-6)
The important in farm management system: purpose, plan, financial, marketing, management, and an evaluation of farm/business with responsibility, honest, moral and ethics to the sustainable farming system
KAAG 403 Irrigation System for Agriculture 3 (3-0-6)
Water resource and management; small irrigation control system; irrigation equipments; the design of open channel and the pipe irrigation systems in agricultural are, the diagnosis of the problem and solutions


KAAG 404 Agricultural Ecology and Biodiversity 3 (3-0-6)
The relationship and elements in the agricultural area in difference contexts; the role of biodiversity in the ecosystem functioning; the importance of ecological change; biological elements to maintain the natural balance of organisms in the agricultural area; applications of ecological principles and the relationships for the sustainable agricultural ecosystem management


KAAG 415 Seed Science and Technology 3 (2-3-5)
The science of seed science, the practical aspects of seed physiology, seed production, seed development and maturation, seed drying and storage, seed viability, vigor and dormancy and the relationship with seed technology in agriculture and horticulture; seed testing methods under the rules of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) performed for practical laboratories


KAAG 418 Soilless Culture Technology 3 (2-3-5)
Producing the soilless culture for the plant production; assembling of the nutrient solution for the cultivation of various kinds of plants; selecting the proper equipment for the conducting system; the greenhouse operation and control using IT for the efficient plant production management and the commercial production plan


KAAG 433 Environment Issues and Management in Agricultural Area 3 (3-0-6)
Environmental issue and impact in agricultural area, biodiversity change; the degradation of land, deforestation, pest problem; disposal of industrial and agricultural wastes; the sustainable management for decreasing the environment impact for agriculture


KAAG 434 Appropriate Technology for Resources Development 3 (3-0-6)
Principles; concepts; methods; technologies; equipment supply tools for solving problems and the development of agricultural areas in suitable for the community contexts


KAAG 447 Agricultural Product Processing 3 (2-3-5)
The process of maintain the quality of agricultural products from the origin; product harvesting, product utility and processing; innovations and technologies for value added products; market demand; the risk process analysis


KAAG 485 Economically Useful Insect Management 3 (2-3-5)
The importance of beneficial insects; the biological control of insect pests; industrial insects; the insect farming system; Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for cricket farming; processing; marketing at both domestic and international levels; entrepreneurial mind; teamwork; presentation of selected topics


KAAG 487 Agricultural Biotechnology 3 (2-3-5)
Processes in biotechnology for the development; management and production of agricultural products, technologies for plant breeding and plant product development using knowledge background of plant genetics; plant breeding via genetic engineering; tissue culture of economically important plants; technology for producing animals and aquaculture; microbial biotechnology; safety and environmental impacts


KAAG 489 3 (3-0-6)
A study of new technology especially the application of IT as well as digital for agriculture; acquire basic knowledge of IoT; cloud computing and big data AI, an application of digital technologies to agriculture for establishing innovation and exchanging knowledge


KAAG 490 Creative agri- and food-innovation 3 (3-0-6)
Creative thinking in an innovation for the development, management, and production for agricultural-food, appropriate recent-innovation in the improvement of products of plants; the application of innovation in agriculture and food in the country and oversea