Program Core Value


Agricultural science program is determined to be an opportunity of sufficient and efficient sustainable agriculture for food, medicine, energy crops and environment.

Program Goals

Being a graduate of Agricultural science who is able to apply knowledge and skills of complete agricultural system with social and environmental concerns, potential in life-long learning with MU graduates’ attributes.

Program objectives

  1. Comprehensive knowledge and skills in agricultural science starting from the science of plant production, technology that increases production efficiency, Plant breeding with appropriate technology until the energy and food processing industry that does not affect the environment.
  2. Plan to be an entrepreneur in agricultural science, taking into account basic society, economy and environment for sustainability with awareness of morals and ethics and professional ethics.
  3. Communication skills, effectively showing understanding of others and planning teamwork both in the role of leader and teammates.
  4. Thinking analytically, researching and solving problems about agricultural science.
  5. Use information technology to search for information, process, and determine solutions to problems in the field agricultural science appropriately.

Program learning outcomes (PLOs) and Sub program learning outcomes (SubPLOs)

PLO1: Systematically solve problems in agricultural science, agricultural industry, plant and animal productions, agricultural management and related disciplines emphasizing on energy crops and industrial crops according to academic principles 1.1) Identify the causes of agricultural problems using knowledge from general science, agriculture, society, environment, and related humanities in a systematic and context-appropriate manner

1.2) Develop appropriate plans to address agricultural science and related scientific problems based on ethics and academic integrity

1.3) Solve problems related to agricultural practices, industrial agriculture, crop and animal production, agricultural management, and related branches according to agricultural academic standards

PLO2: Examine and administer projects those can solve problems and organize knowledge in agricultural science 2.1) Define the objectives of the project by analyzing data and situations accurately and relevantly.

2.2) Design the project by considering cost-effectiveness, benefits, and feasibility, in accordance with ethical and moral principles and legal requirements.

2.3) Implement the project using risk management principles, collecting accurate data based on academic standards, and achieving valuable results while considering ethics and legal principles

2.4) Summarize project outcomes accurately to fulfill the objectives according to academic standards

PLO3: Demonstrate agricultural practices both in the field and laboratory with concerns of academic standards and safety 3.1) Select appropriate tools and methodologies for agricultural science operations in accordance with academic principles and aligned with objectives

3.2) Utilize tools in laboratories and agricultural fields while considering safety and risk management

PLO4: Communicate information to target groups successfully by using appropriate language and multimedia 4.1) Select communication methods using language and media appropriate for the target audience

4.2) Verify the accuracy of information by referencing reliable sources according to academic standards

4.3) Exchange knowledge with the target audience in accordance with the objectives 4.4) Prepare various types of reports according to standardized academic writing formats

4.5) Present academic information in agricultural science and related branches in in accordance with objectives

PLO5: Work as an agricultural scientist together with people with responsibility and acceptance of diverse perspective and culture toward goal achievement of team 5.1) Clearly define the goals of the group by considering diversity of thoughts and cultures

5.2) Develop a work plan for the group based on roles and responsibilities that are suitable for the members’ abilities

5.3) Perform tasks according to the responsibilities assigned as a group member, within the rules and agreements of the group

PLO6: Effectively use information technology (IT) to benefit assigned practices as an agricultural scientist 6.1) Conduct research using information technology to develop oneself to be up-to-date

6.2) Utilize information technology to improve efficiency in agricultural science tasks while considering ethics and relevant legal requirements