Program Structure

General Information

Name of Study Program Bachelor of Science Program in Agricultural Science
Address Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus

199, Lumsum, Saiyok District, Kanchanaburi 71150

Contact Phone: (+66) -3458-5058


Year of Establishment 2002
Degree Awarded Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Agricultural Science
Language used Thai/English
Admissions Thai students who are proficient in English

Education System

Two semesters per year

Academic Calendar

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester
1st year August to December January to May June to July
2nd year August to December January to May June to July
3rd year August to December January to May
4th year August to December January to May

Study Period

The duration of study is usually 4 years with a maximum of 8 years to complete the degree.

  • Total credits No fewer than 120 credits

Graduation Requirments

  1. Have good behavior suitable for the prestige of the degree.
  2. Pass all courses and fulfill other criteria indicated in the curriculum
  3. Have CUM-GPA of at least 2.00
  4. Undergraduate students shall pass English proficiency test(s) according to the university’s conditions and regulation

Teaching and Learning Approaches

No ELO T&L Approach Assessment Scheme
1 Systematically solve problems in agricultural science, agricultural industry, plant and animal productions, agricultural management and related disciplines emphasizing on energy and industry crops according to academic principles –  Lecture

–  Demonstration

–  Lab practice

–  Field practice

–  Design experiment

–  Discuss in a small group

-Project-based learning

-Essay question



-Visit working places

2 Examine and administer projects those can solve problems and organize knowledge in agricultural science –  Lecture

–  Discussion

–  Project

–  Cooperative Education


-Project-based assignment

-Problem-based learning

3 Demonstrate agricultural practices both in the field and laboratory with concerns of academic standards and safety –  Lecture

–  Demonstration

–  Lab practice

–  Field practice

–  Design experiment

–  Discuss in a small group

-Project-based learning

-Essay question


-Practical exam

4 Communicate information to target groups successfully by using appropriate language and multimedia –  Lecture

–  Presentation

–  Discussion



5 Work as an agricultural scientist together with people with responsibility and acceptance of diverse perspective and culture toward goal achievement of team –  Presentation

–  Discussion


–  Cooperative Education

-Group Project

-Project-based assignment


6 Effectively use information technology (IT) to benefit assigned practices as an agricultural scientist –  Presentation

–  Discussion




-Case study

-Project-based assignment

Future Careers

Occupation farmers Entrepreneurs in agriculture and other occupations in various fields the key of the organization both in the public and private sectors, in various positions as follows.

  1. Operator/Staff Agricultural Supervisor and Agricultural Science
  2. Agriculture such as Agricultural Research Officer, Agricultural Extension, Land Reform Technical Officer, Entomologist and Researchers, etc.
  3. Agricultural business operators.