Coursc Description

MUGE 101 General Education for Human Development 2 (1-2-3)
The meaning, significance, and relation of General Education to other vocational/specific subjects; the relation between behavior and mentality; critical thinking; the qualifications of ideal graduates; analysis of causes and consequences of events/ situations/ problems; synthesis of solutions to, precautions against, or improvements in those events / situations to benefit individuals and their community; and the application of knowledge to solve the problems of case studies


MUGE 102 Social Studies for Human Development 3 (2-2-5)
Basic principles and theory in relation to events / situations / major problems of the Thai and global communities, for example, evolution of civilization; important events in historical, political and public administration systems; the economic and health systems, etc.; analysis of causes and consequences of events/situations/problems; synthesis of solutions to, precautions against, or improvements in those events/situations to benefit individuals and their community; and the application of knowledge to solve the problems of case studies


MUGE 103 Arts and Science for Human Development 2 (1-2-3)
Humankind in the past, present and future; events / situations / problems in relation to the evolution of the arts and sciences in the Thai and global communities; concepts of the sufficiency economy; analysis of causes and consequences of events / situations / problems; synthesis of solutions to, precautions against, or improvements in those events / situations to benefit individuals and their community; and the application of knowledge to solve the problems of case studies


LATH 100 Art of Using Thai Language for Communication 3 (2-2-5)
Art of using Thai language and of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and thinking skills for accurate and appropriate communication


LATH 103 English Level 1 3 (2-2-5)
English structure, grammar and vocabulary in the context of daily language use, dealing with integration in four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing); reading strategies, sentence writing, listening for the gist, pronunciation and classroom communication


LATH 104 English Level 2 3 (2-2-5)
Vocabulary, grammar, and contextualized social language; essential communicative skills in small groups; simulations in various situations; writing practice at a paragraph level; and reading and listening from various sources


LATH 105 English Level 3 3 (2-2-5)
Essential strategies for four language skills: reading and listening from various sources, speaking in everyday use and writing at a paragraph level and short essay, including sub-skills i.e., grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary; focusing on English in everyday life and in academic reading and issues that enhance student’s world knowledge


LATH 106 English Level 4 3 (2-2-5)
Reading passages and writing at sentence and paragraph levels about sequence of events and process, function, purpose, method and means, cause and effect, and conditional reasoning; academic English paragraph writing and an introduction to essay writing; listening comprehension; listening for the main idea; listening for specific details; and making inferences


KAID 242 English for Project Writing and Presentation 3 (3-0-6)
Using English in writing and presenting projects by integrating four language learning strategies: listening, speaking, writing, and reading in order to understand the process of project preparation such as sharing opinions, brainstorming, searching for information, collecting data and writing reports, as well as, knowing techniques to prepare for project presentations in conferences


KAID 243 English for Research 3 (3-0-6)
Grammar, vocabulary, expressions, and learning strategies in writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills in scientific and social science research contexts


KAID 260 Mathematics for Earth Scientists 2 (2-0-4)
Properties of function, Polynomial function and its answer, Binomial theorem Sequences and sequences, Trigonometric Functions, Spherical trigonometry, complex number, Hyperbolic functions, Integration, Fourier Transform, Vector calculus, Algebra of Matrix, Ordinary differential equation, Partial differential equation, Numerical Methods and Geo-statics
KAGE 260 Administration and Organization Management 3 (3-0-6)
Principles of management, the roles of managers in planning, organizing, leading, directing, motivating, communicating, coordinating and controlling in order to achieve the organization goals. Introduction to economics, demand-supply, equilibrium, elasticity and category of goods, market system in economics, production cost, national income account, economic growth, elementary finance, how to read financial statements, the important financial ratios, financial planning, investment, investment diversification
KAGE 101 Interdisciplinary for Sustainable Development 3 (3-0-6)
Integrated interdisciplinary learning; materials and methods in the participatory community study; community analysis; sustainable development including social, economy, and environment; Sufficiency Economy concept; project-based learning
ENGE 106 Life, Health and Yoga Practice 3 (2-2-5)
The change of modern life style effects on health, food and, the environment; study of health care of modern medicine, natural therapy, macrobiotics, and others with their effect on health; study of King Rama the ninth’s of economic sustaining theory in relationship with physical and mental health; study and practice of mindfulness in the daily life; study of yoga philosophy, history, and principles; trainion of train yoga asana at the basic and intermediate levels
KAID 270 Introduction to Statistics 2 (2-0-4)
Probability, random variables and probability distributions; mathematical expectation, specialprobability distributions; descriptive statistics, sampling distributions, point estimation, interval estimation; hypothesis testing, elementary use of statistical software
SCMA 111 Calculus 2 (2-0-4)
Limits, continuity, definition and properties of derivatives; derivatives of algebraic functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and inverse hyperbolic functions; implicit differentiation, higher-order derivatives, differentials, applications of differentiation; indeterminate forms and l’ Hospital’s rule, functions of several variables and partial derivatives, total differentials and total derivatives, antiderivatives and integration; techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integration
SCMA 166 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 (3-0-6)
Complex variables, an introduction to ordinary differential equations, linear first order differential equations, nonlinear first order differential equations; applications of the first order equations, the second order linear equations; applications of the second order equations, high order linear equations; the systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, applications in science
SCCH 103 General Chemistry I 3 (3-0-6)
Stoichiometry, atomic structure, the chemical bonding theory, representative and transition metal elements, organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, environmental chemistry
SCCH 104 General Chemistry II 3 (3-0-6)
Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium, electrochemistry, gas, liquid, and solid
SCCH 107 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
General techniques in chemistry and some experiments related to lectures in general chemistry: thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry; synthesis of organic compounds, synthesis of inorganic compound; quantitative analysis, acid-base reaction and titration; solid state, and molecular modeling; practicing communication skills in chemistry; practicing teamwork skills
SCCH 118 Chemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
General techniques in chemistry, simple experiment in qualitative and quantitative analysis; some experiments that are related to lectures; calculation related in each experiment, laboratory safety
SCBI 102 Biology Laboratory I 1 (0-3-2)
Microscopy, cell structure and function, tissue, cell division, genetics and natural selection, ecology, and behavior


SCBI 104 Biology Laboratory II 1 (0-3-2)
Classification of plants, invertebrates and chordates, process of development and regeneration, anatomy of frogs, hormone control and homeostasis, nervous system and control, Laboratory examination is required


SCBI 124 General Biology I 2 (2-0-4)
Basic concepts in biology, carbon and the molecular diversity of life, cell structure and function, energy and metabolism, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, principles of heredity, molecular biology of gene, evolution, population genetics, ecology and conservation biology


SCBI 125 General Biology II 3 (3-0-6)
Biodiversity and diversity status of Thailand, classification and diversity of Eubacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, reproduction, embryo development and organogenesis, animal form and function such as food procurement and digestion, respiratory system, circulatory system, immune system, homeostasis, hormones, and nervous system


SCPY 167 Physics for Applied Science I 3 (3-0-6)
Mechanics: kinematics of particles, dynamics of particles, work and energy, linear momentum and collisions, rotational motions, elastic properties of matters, oscillatory motion, fluid mechanics: fluids statics, fluid dynamics; Thermodynamics: temperature and heat, the first law of thermodynamics, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics; Wave: wave motion, reflection, refraction, superposition of waves, sound and hearing, doppler effect of sound, standing waves, resonance, electromagnetic wave


SCPY 110 General Physics Laboratory 1 (0-3-2)
Optics: geometrical optics, physical optics; Electricity and magnetism: electric force, electric field, Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitor, magnetic force, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, basic electric circuits; Quantum mechanics: Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, atomic spectra, de Broglie’s hypothesis (wave—particle duality), wave function, Schrodinger’s wave equation, hydrogen atom, laser; Nuclear physics: nuclear structure, mass-energy equivalence, binding energy, nuclear forces, radioactive decay, nuclear reaction, interaction of radiation with matter, radiation detection and measurement, classification of particles; Astrophysics: Solar system, universe, stars


KAGS 100 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 3 (3-0-6)
An introductory to our planet, origin, composition, changes of the earth; applications of geological knowledge essential for ther carers;  field excurtion in geology
KAGS 200 Physical Geolgoy 2 (1-3-3)
Basic principles of geology, geochemistry, and geophysics; processes in earth science, the origin and evolution of our planet earth’s major features; rock, minerals, weathering, erosion, earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, water, and glaciers; treatment of physical processes shaping the earth and landforms; applied geology and interpretation of geologic history; self responsibility, teamwork.
KAGS 202 Aerial Photography, Remote Sensing and Geomorphology 3 (2-3-5)
An introduction to photogrammetry and geologic interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite image and study of landforms in relation to tectonic, climatic environments and geological processes; teamwork
KAGS 203 Report Writing in Geology 1 (0-3-1)
Geologic reports and recommended geological report writing patterns; title, outline, sequences of contents, maps, figure, table, reference cited; self responsibility; life-long learning
KAGS 215 Crystallography and Mineralogy 2 (2-0-4)
Crystalline state, general study of the six crystal systems; genesis, associations, physical and chemical properties of common minerals; classification and identification of common minerals; life- long learning
KAGS 212 Crystallography and Mineralogy Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Laboratory related to the lecture, i.e. morphology and crystalline structures, classification of the six crystal systems; classification and identification of common minerals; obsevertion and identification skill
KAGS 216 Petrography and Ore Microscopy 2 (2-0-4)
Optical properties of none opaque substances and an application of optical properties to the identification of none opaque and opaque minerals and their paragenesis under the polarized light. the classification, formation, occurrence and identification of the important minerals, mineral crystals and their chemistry; introduction to the X-ray crystallography; life-long learning
KAGS 214 Petrography and Ore Microscopy Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Laboratory exercises related to the lecture, i.e. an identification and classification of transparent and opaque minerals and minerals paragenesis, mineral crystals and chemical composition; observation, interpretation, and identification skills
KAGS 221 Sedimentology and Laboratory 2 (1-3-3)
Basic principles of sedimentology, weathering, transportation, and deposition of earth materials as a key to understanding sedimentary process; sedimentary structure and past depositional environments; an examination of sedimentary rock features and compositions as related to the origin, dispersion, deposition, diagenesis, classification and general distribution of the sedimentary rock; laboratory exercises related to the lecture, i.e. rock structure, texture, fossils, depositional history of the basin, paleo-features of the basin and the sedimentary rock formation; efficient teamwork
KAGS 222 Stratigraphy 2 (2-0-4)
Basic principle of stratigraphy and correlation of rock stratas, the vertical and horizontal relationships of layered earth materials as a key to understanding the basin history, the past depositional environments and their transformation through time; laboratory exercises related to the lecture, i.e. stratigraphic sequences, stratigraphicorientation; self responsibility.
KAGS 223 Lithology 2 (1-3-3)
Megascopic features of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Classification, identification, and description of rocks from hand specimens; laboratory related to lithology, i.e. megascopic features of rocks classification, identification, and description of rocks from hand specimens; observation, and interpretation skills
KAGS 224 Graphic and Field Methods in Geology 2 (1-3-3)
Geometrical techniques for illustrating and describing geologic structures; orthographic and stereographic projections; basic field instruments, concept and techniques of geological surveying. field work on various rock types; detailed mapping and sampling; self responsibility and work effectively with others.
KAGS 231 Paleontology 2 (2-0-4)
Fossils both plants and animals, their modes of life, morphology, classification, evolution, and stratigraphic sequence
KAGS 232 Paleontology Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Laboratory exercises related to the lecture, i.e. an identification and a classification of fossils, plants, and animals.
KAGS 261 Regional Geology 1 (0-3-1)
Field observation, geological processes; using the geological map and geology tools; communication skills.
KAGS 260 Regional Geology Field Study 3 (0-9-3)
 Field observation of geological processes and studies of stratigraphy, structural geology, geomorphology, and mineral deposits of the Western, Central, Eastern, Northeastern Plateau, and the  Northern Highland; two weeks of lectures and field trips; observation skill, self responsibility, efficient teamwork, collecting data, writing reports and presentations
KAGS 301 Structural Geology 3 (3-0-6)
Structural features of rocks, their distribution and origins; an introduction to stress and strain, deformation behaviors of rock materials, and mechanisms of rock deformation; origin of the major structural features of the earth; basic principles of rock mechanics and engineering properties of earth materials.; observertions, life-long learning
KAGS 303 Structural Geology Laboratory 2 (0-6-2)
Laboratory excercies related to the lecture, i. e. structural features classification, stress and strain in rocks, the stereographic projection of structural features, structural cross-section; interpretation skill, self responsibility and with others
KAGS 304 Tectonics 2 (2-0-4)
 Earth Interior and major structural features of the earth and the processes by which they have formed; sea-floor spreading, continental drift, mountain buildings, the tectonic history of the earth. present days tectonic framework and possible activities in the future; life-long learning
KAGS 305 Geohazards 2 (2-0-4)
Natural hazards related to geology and their monitoring and mitigation: endogenic origin, earthquake hazards, volcanic eruption and exogenous origin; landslide, land subsidence, crust collapse, shoreline erosion, flooding, and groundwater contamination etc; life-long learning.
KAGS 306 Computer in Geologyy 1 (0-3-2)
Concept of computer and geological task; an application of Information Technology (IT) and the Geographic Information System (GIS) in analyzing the information; knowing techniques for presentations
KAGS 307 Geology of Thailand 2 (2-0-4)
The tectonic setting, evolution, stratigraphy, and paleontology of Thailand, including the mineral resources and their potential; critical thinking
KAGS 308 Economic Geology and Geology of Ore Deposits 2 (2-0-4)
          The origin, occurrence, and tectonic setting, mineralogy and classification of metallic and non metallic ore deposits; theoretical development of the origin of mineral deposits; physical and chemical environment for the mineral formation; meneral exploration, economic minerals of Thailand; interpretation skill and life-long learning
KAGS 311 Petrology 2 (2-0-4)
Properties, origin, resource; the structure, classification, and origin of rock methods; an analysis rocks, mineralogy, chemical properties of rocks including the tectonic processes by the thin section; critical thinking.
KAGS 312 Petrology Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
 Laboratory exercise related to the lecture, a study of rocks under the microscope; an analysis of the structure, texture particle; the mineralogical chemical composition and the paleo-environment of the deposits; observation, and interpretation.
KAGS 351 Geophysics 2 (2-0-4)
Basic principles of geophysics; an application of geophysics to the study of subsurface geology: gravity, magnetic, electric fields, and seismic methods; self responsibility.
KAGS 352 Geophysics Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
 Basic principles of geophysics; an application of geophysics to the study of subsurface geology: gravity, magnetic, electric fields and seismic methods; teamwork
KAGS 353 Hydrogeology 3 (2-3-5)
Water cycles, the origin, occurrence, and the movement of groundwater, aquifer, and well hydraulics; water chemistry and the quality contaminant transport, remedation; the groundwater exploration, monitoring technology and the hydrologic system analysis; hydrologic conditions of Thailand
KAGS 354 Petroleum Geology and Energy Resources 3 (2-3-5)
Petroleum geology, the origin, mobility, and petroleum reservoirs; chemical properties of petroleum and other hydrocarbon; Oil and gas potential and reserve; the world energy system, oil and gas, hydro-power, bio-gas, solar energy, etc; critical thinking and life-long learning
KAGS 355 Geochemistry 2 (2-0-4)
The origin and distribution of the chemical elements; the geochemical cycles operating in the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere; chemical weathering of earth material, and soil geochemistry; mobilization of elements and the geochemical processes; self responsibility
KAGS 360 Field Geology 4 (0-12-4)
An aerial photos interpretation of study areas; geological mapping techniques on topographic map; a preparation of a geologic map, geologic section, and a geologic report of the area; teamwork, communication and presentation skills
KAGS 391 Seminar I 1 (0-3-2)
Searching the data; abstract writing; preparing the media for the seminar and presenting the topics about geoscience, earth science; student’s presenting a seminar on geology topics and participating in the session; effective communication with others; critical thinking
KAGS 461 Geoscience Internship 2 (0-6-2)
The study of the working processes and training in geoscience or other related fields in private companies or governmental sectors at least 10 weeks; an integration of the theory and practical skills related to the knowledge of geology; communication skill training, teamwork, workethics, and self-responsibility.
KAGS 490 Senior Project in Geoscience 2 (0-6-2)
Carrying out a special senior project (Senior Project in Geoscience) in geosciences and/or relevant subject; expected to submit oral presentation on project propersal during semester 1 and final report at the end of semester 2; critical thinking; communicate effectively; ethics in research; demonstrate of self driven for improvement of the work; critical thinking; life-long learning.
KAGS 493 Seminar II 1 (0-3-1)
Students’ presentation in a seminar on the geoscience project or any other interesting topics; expected to participate in the session more than 80%; effective communication with othesr
KAGS 370 Quaternary Geology 2 (2-0-4)
Recent sediments of the Quaternary deposits, lithology, stratigraphy; the distribution of the sediments and the important geologic events in the Quaternary Period; effective work with others
KAGS 380 Introduction to Astronomy 3 (3-0-6)
History of astronomy, how to locate object in the celescial sphere related to the location on the earth, celescial sphere; how to use star map, times, the relations between the sun, the earth and the moon, the solar system, galaxy, the universe, planets; the explanation, identification, and application knowledge in astronomy to the daily life; life-long learning
KAGS 470 Geology of Southeast Asia 3 (3-0-6)
The origin and tectonic framework of the Southeast Asian, regional geological structures; geology and stratigraphic correlation of the area; the potential and deposits of geology resources in the region; self responsibility, life-long learning
KAGS 471 Gemology 3 (3-0-6)
Physical, chemical, and optical properties of each type of gemstones; simple techniques on gems identification, gems quality examination with instruments; the origin, occurrence of gemstone deposits in Thailand and elsewhere; self responsibility, life-long learning.
KAGS 472 Geotourism 3 (3-0-6)
Origin, geologic processes shoping the attractive and unique landforms; developing the geological attractions; geology and the Thai settlement in history; conservation of tourist geologic sites for economic and sustainable development; life-long learning
KAGS 473 Engineering Geology 3 (3-0-6)
Studying physical properties of rocks in engineering work; an introduction to rock mechanics, nature, and soil properties in engineering work; construction activities and environmental impact; water dam construction, minings, rock quarrying, road construction, rock and subsoil tunneling including the geotechnical survey techniques; critical thinking, self-resposibilty, and work ethic.
KAGS 474 Geoscience and Environmental Management 3 (3-0-6)
Basic principle of the environmental geology management, laws and regulations, concerned, determination and classification of environmental problems caused by natural hazards and those caused by human activites; management of mineral resources such as petroleum, minerals, construction materials, and water; evaluation of environmental impact assessment, preparation of EIA studies on various types of projects; direction and methodology of environmental, controlling and/or solving the existed environmental problems; communication skill, critical thinking, and life-long learning.
KAGS 475 Sedimentary Petrology 3 (2-3-5)
The process of sedimentation; sedimentary particles, texture, structure of clastic and none clastic sedimentary rocks; the sedimentary rock classification and study through the petrographical and chemical analysis; observations and working with others.
KAGS 476 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 3 (2-3-5)
The earth’s magmatism; magmatic crystallization and igneous minerals; estimating, reporting and comparing igneous rock composition; forms of igneous rock bodies; the effects of volatile components; the classification of igneous rocks and igneous rocks of Thailand; metamorphism and metamorphic rocks; metamorphic texture; metamorphic facies and series; observations and work with others
KAGS 477 Solid Earth Geophysics 3 (3-0-6)
Understanding the characteristics of, and processes within, the Earth’s interior based on the measurements of physical properties taken on the earth’s surface; including gravity, magnetic, electric, and electromagnetic phenomena, seismic waves, and heat flow
KAGS 478 Petroleum Geophysics 3 (3-0-6)
Integrated geophysical methods for petroleum exploration; fundamentals of subsurface imaging by multi-channel seismic reflection techniques used in the oil exploration; survey design, acquisition, processing, and an interpretation in both 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection data and wire-line logging; critical thinking; life-long learning.
KAGS 479 Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 3 (3-0-6)
An introduction to field methods of geophysical exploration, especially as applied to environmental and engineering problems; ethic for working, critical thinking, life-long learning.
KAGS 482 Pedology and Geology for Agriculture 3 (3-0-6)
Geomorphology, physical and chemical properties of soils, soil profiles, soil structure/texture, soil classification techniques, soil potential, concept of soil mapping and soil resources in Thailand; roles of geologic materials in agriculture and factors that involving plant and animal growth; the principle elements; NPK in fertilizer industry and some important supplementary elements such as silica, magnesium, and iron, and their common sources; critical thinking
KAGS 484 Basin Analysis 3 (3-0-6)
The analysis of large scale aspects of sedimentary basins, such as the lithopsphere mechanics that control vertical movements of the crust, the plate tectonic activity that triggers subsidence of basins, and characteristics of sedimentary basins in specific tectonic setting; critical thinking