- Bachelor’s degree programs (4 years) cannot be completed before 6 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
- Bachelor’s degree programs (5 years) cannot be completed before 8 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
- Bachelor’s degree programs (not less than 6 years) cannot be completed before 10 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
- Bachelor’s degree programs (Continuing) cannot be completed before 4 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
Bachelor's degree completion requirements
Awarding an associate degree or degree
Consider associate degree or degree Students must have the following qualifications:
- Passing the course and other criteria complete as specified by the course.
- Obtain a cumulative grade point average of not less than 00 throughout the course.
- Being of good character appropriate to the dignity of that associate degree or degree.
Graduation Criteria for Bachelor of Engineering Programs (Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management)
- Being of good character Appropriate for the prestige of a Bachelor of Engineering degree Department of Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management.
- Passing exams in all subjects according to the curriculum.
- Obtain a cumulative grade point average of not less than 00 throughout the course.
- Must pass the English language according to Mahidol University Announcement on English Proficiency Standards for Undergraduate Students Mahidol University 2017 or other relevant announcements.