Bachelor's degree completion requirements

  1. Bachelor’s degree programs (4 years) cannot be completed before 6 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
  2. Bachelor’s degree programs (5 years) cannot be completed before 8 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
  3. Bachelor’s degree programs (not less than 6 years) cannot be completed before 10 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.
  4. Bachelor’s degree programs (Continuing) cannot be completed before 4 regular semesters for full-time enrollment.

Awarding an associate degree or degree

Consider associate degree or degree Students must have the following qualifications:

  1. Passing the course and other criteria complete as specified by the course.
  2. Obtain a cumulative grade point average of not less than 00 throughout the course.
  3. Being of good character appropriate to the dignity of that associate degree or degree.

Graduation Criteria for Bachelor of Engineering Programs (Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management)

  1. Being of good character Appropriate for the prestige of a Bachelor of Engineering degree Department of Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management.
  2. Passing exams in all subjects according to the curriculum.
  3. Obtain a cumulative grade point average of not less than 00 throughout the course.
  4. Must pass the English language according to Mahidol University Announcement on English Proficiency Standards for Undergraduate Students Mahidol University 2017 or other relevant announcements.