Conservation Biology Division
Tel: 034-585058
E-Mail: weerachon.saw@mahidol.ac.th
Tel: 034-585058
E-Mail: weerachon.saw@mahidol.ac.th
- B.Sc. (Biology) Mahidol University, Thailand 2002
- M.Sc. (Environmental Biology) Mahidol University, Thailand 2005
- M.Sc. (Biology) Lund University , Sweden 2014
- Ph.D. (Biology) Lund University , Sweden 2019
1. LIFE SCIENCE (Ecology, Evolution & Environment)
- Training on Monitoring and Communicating Biodiversity , Shropshire & London, UK
- Workshop on Bioinformatics using NGS Data, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Workshop on RADSeq Analyses and Data Interpretation, Lund University (Sweden)
- Workshop on genomics, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
- Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics using R,
- Workshop on Linux and workflows for biologists,
- Genomic Data Visualization and Interpretation,
- Workshop on Molecular Phylogenetics, Biology Department, Lund University, Sweden
- Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Mahidol Adulyadej-Prasrinakarin Building, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University (Salaya Campus)
- โครงการติดอาวุธให้นักวิจัยรุ่นใหม่ ผ่าน Multi Mentoring System /ประกาศนียบัตรเลขที่ MMS4-4-2563-0076, สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
- Next-generation sequences and making SNP barcodes, CENMIG Pornchai Matangkasombut Center for Microbial Genomics at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Workshop: how to use SciVal to visualize research performance, Computer Laboratory, Office of the President, Mahidol University
Most Recent Conference
Comparison of bryophyte cultivation in three different types of substrates (Oral presentation), Québec, Canada
Bryophytes, lichens, and northern ecosystems in a changing world / 2021
Ecology of Black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in northern Thailand (Oral presentation), Malaysia
56th Annual Scientific Conference of The Malaysian Society of Parasitology & Tropical Medicine / 2020
Gene transfer across species boundaries in bryophytes: evidence from major life cycle stages in Homalothecium lutescens and H. sericeum (Oral presentation), The Royal Botanical Garden (RBG), Madrid, Spain
The 2019 International Joint Conference - International Association of Bryologists (IAB), International Molecular Moss Science Society (iMoss), and Sociedad Española de Briología (SEB) / 2019
Marchantia polymorpha spp: Speciation, Hybridization and Molecular Evolution (Poster Presentation), Okazaki Conference Center, Okazaki, Japan
The 65th NIBB Conference: Renaissance of Marchantia polymorpha, the genome and beyond / 2017
Morphometric analysis suggests hybridization and introgression in putative hybrid populations of mosses (Oral presentation), Prague, Czech Republic
Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress / 2016
Rediscovery of the liverwort herbivore, Scatopsciara cunicularius, after being hidden to science for 73 years (Poster presentation), Lund, Sweden
Biology in Lund Annual Meeting (BLAM) 2016 / 2016
Spore germination frequencies in putative hybrid populations of the mosses Homalothecium sericeum and H. lutescens (Poster presentation), Lund, Sweden
The Swedish Systematists Association (Sysematikdagarna) 2015 / 2015
The herbivoral interaction between midge species, Scatopsciara cunicularius (Sciaridae: Diptera) and the thallose bryophyte, Marchantia polymorpha (Oral presentation), Porto, Portugal
The XX Cryptogamic Botany Symposium / 2015
Asian openbill stork (Anastomus oscitans), a competent predator of an invasive alien snail species in Thailand (Oral presentation), Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
6th Congress of the European Malacological Societies (CEMS) / 2011