The Department of Geoscience and Conservation Biology of Kanchanaburi Campus, Mahidol University, received the Internal Quality Assessment at Program Level Regarding the AUN-QA for the fiscal year 2024

On May 29, 2024, Asst. Prof. Dr. Thatchavee Leelawat, Vice President for Information Technology and Kanchanaburi Campus, along with the executive team of Kanchanaburi Campus, welcomed the committee for internal quality assessment for higher education at the program level according to the Asean University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) criteria by the Mahidol University (MU AUN-QA) for the fiscal year 2024. The meeting was led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Nat Malainual, lead assessor for the Conservation Biology program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Woranut Lampa, lead assessor for the Geoscience program. The evaluation committee also conducted interviews with administrators, curriculum management committees, faculty members, staff, students, and stakeholders of the programs. Furthermore, on May 30, 2024, they toured the facilities used for teaching, research, and academic services and presented the results and various suggestions at the Sakulkanpai Meeting Room, Mahidol University, Kanchanaburi Campus.