MUGE 100 General Education for Human Development 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Well-rounded graduates, key issues affecting society and the environment with respect to one’particular context; holistically integrated knowledge to identify the key factors; speaking and writing to target audiences with respect to objectives; being accountable, respecting different opinions, a leader or a member of a team and work as a team to come up with a systematic basic research-based solution or guidelines to manage the key issues; mindful and intellectual assessment of both positive and negative impacts of the key issues in order to happily live with society and nature
LATP 111 Thai Language for Communication in Higher Education 2 (x-x-x)
Prerequisite: None
LAEN 122 Pre-intermediate English 2 (2-0-4)
English vocabulary and grammar; reading; listening; speaking; making conversations and simulations in various situations; writing at a sentence level in personal matters and everyday life situations using simple language structures corresponding to the pre-intermediate level (A2) proficiency according to the CEFR standard
LAEN 123 Intermediate English 2 (2-0-4)
English vocabulary, expressions, and grammar; making conversations and simulations; writing at sentence and paragraph levels; reading and listening to various topics related to daily life and interests corresponding to the intermediate level (B1) proficiency according to the CEFR standard
LAEN 124 Upper intermediate English 2 (2-0-4)
English vocabulary, expressions, and grammar; comprehensive reading and listening; discussing and writing to express opinions on social issues and academic matters in the upper intermediate level (B2) according to the CEFR standard
LAEN 125 Advanced English 2 (2-0-4)
English vocabulary, expressions, and grammar; advanced listening and reading to different topics in both general and academic areas; impromptu speaking and giving an oral presentation to specified topics both academically and in general situations; writing to express opinions on different topics corresponding to the advanced level (C1 ) according to the CEFR standard
LALA 126 Conducting Surveys in English 2(2-0-4)
Basic principles in conducting surveys; conducting surveys and presentingsurvey results in a team; communicative English skills for conducting surveys and presenting survey results
LALA 127 English for Civic Digital Interactions 2(2-0-4)
Integrated communicative English language skills and strategies, knowledge, and mindsets necessary for navigating digitally-mediated communication and collaboration in the globalized world; introducing and applying the concepts of digital literacy and digital citizenship in searching, selecting, evaluating, and presenting various forms of digital content in the context of academic interactions
LALA 128 Literature and Global Citizenship 2(2-0-4)
Exploration of the importance of literature and literary reading in English for global citizenship; analysis of selected literary texts in English with the focus on the global and cultural contexts, forms, subject matters, and writing techniques
KAGE 161 Negotiations and Organization Conflict Resolution 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Roles and functions of a negotiator as an organizational mediator and conflict resolver; comprehending the conflicts from multi perspectives within diverse social, organizational, individual, and cultural contexts in order to realize the cores of the conflicts; improving negotiation skills in order to efficiently resolve the conflicts under diverse situations and contexts
KAID 242 English for Project Writing and Presentation 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Using English in writing and presenting projects by integrating four language learning strategies: listening, speaking, writing, and reading in order to understand the process of project preparation such as sharing opinions, brainstorming, searching for information, collecting data and writing reports, as well as, knowing techniques to prepare for project presentations in conferences
KAFT 101 Introduction to Food Science and Technology 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Overview of food and agro industries in Thailand and the world; roles of Food Technologists in food industries; introduction to the changes in food properties before, during and after being processed; some important food processing techniques; special topics on current global issues in food science and technology; life-long learning skill
KAFT 201 Computer Program Applications 2 (1-3-3)
Prerequisite: None
Introduction of digital technology, information systems, application of programs to different situations, word processing, spreadsheet, using of computer programs for statistical analysis and interpretation; mathematical modeling, and presentation of mathematical and statistical data
KAID 270 Introduction to Statistics 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Probability; random variables and probability distributions; mathematical expectation; special probability distributions; descriptive statistics; sampling distributions; point estimation; interval estimation; hypothesis testing; elementary use of statistical software
SCMA 111 Calculus 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Limits; continuity; definition and properties of derivatives; derivatives of algebraic functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and inverse hyperbolic functions; implicit differentiation; higher-order derivatives; differentials; applications of differentiation; indeterminate forms and l’ Hospital’s rule; functions of several variables and partial derivatives; total differentials and total derivatives; antiderivatives and integration; techniques of integration; improper integrals; applications of integration
SCMA 166 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Complex variables; introduction to ordinary differential equations; linear first order differential equations; nonlinear first order differential equations; applications of first order equations; second order linear equations; applications of second order equations; highorder linear equations; systems of linear equations; matrices; determinants; vector spaces; linear transformations; applications in science
SCCH 103 General Chemistry I 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Stoichiometry; atomic structure; chemical bonding theory; representative and transition metal elements; organic chemistry; nuclear chemistry; environmental chemistry
SCCH 107 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
General techniques in chemistry and some experiments that relate to lectures in general chemistry: thermochemistry, chemical kinetics; electrochemistry; synthesis of organic compounds; synthesis of inorganic compound; quantitative analysis; acid-base reaction and titration; solid state; and molecular modeling; practicing communication skills in chemistry; practicing teamwork skills
SCBI 124 General Biology I 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Basic concept in biology; carbon and the molecular diversity of life; cell structure and function; energy and metabolism, cellular respiration, photosynthesis; principles of heredity; genetics and molecular biology of gene; evolution; population genetics; ecology and conservation biology
SCBI 102 Biology Laboratory I 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Microscopy; cell structure and function; movement of molecules; plant tissues; animal tissues; cell division; population genetics; animal behavior; ecology
SCPY 167 Physics for Applied Science I 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Mechanics: particle kinematics, particle dynamics, work and energy, linear momentum and collisions, rotational motions, elastic properties of matters, oscillatory motions; fluid mechanics: fluid statics, fluid dynamics; thermodynamics: temperature and heat, the first law of thermodynamics, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics; waves: wave motion, reflection, refraction, superposition of waves, sound and hearing, doppler effect of sound, standing waves, resonance, electromagnetic wave
SCPY 110 General Physics Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Basic physics experiments relation to physics curriculums taught to the First year students in each faculty
KAID 202 Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 203 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Laboratory
Structures and functions of 4 biomolecules, carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid, metabolic processes and regulation of metabolic pathways of 4 biomolecules, metabolic interrelationship, hormones and nutrition
KAID 203 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 202 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Basic biochemistry laboratory comprise 8 experiments involved in: preparation of acid-base solution and buffering system, using a basic instrument in analysis of biomolecules, determination a physical and chemical proper-ties of all 4 biomolecules and study a metabolic process, that are related to the course Fundamentals of Biochemistry (KAID 202)
KAID 224 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 225 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Synthesis and reactions of alkane, cycloalkane, alkene, cycloalkene, alkyne, aromatic hydrocarbon, halide, alcohol, phenol, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid and their derivatives, amine
KAID 225 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 224 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Experiments of basic organic chemistry including recrystallisation, melting point, distillation, extraction and chromatography, solubility classification; the use of models to study stereochemistry of organic substance; reactions of hydrocarbons, reactions of alcohols and phenols, reactions of aldehydes and ketones, reactions of carboxylic acids and derivatives, reactions of amines
KAID 226 Analytical Chemistry 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 227 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Fundamental knowledge of chemical analysis both qualitative and quantitative; calculations: concentration, buffer, error, accuracy, precision, statistics; chemical equilibria and electrolyte; quantitative analysis by titration and by calibration; molecular absorption spectrometry: UV-Visible; atomic absorption spectrometry; atomic emission spectrometry; potentiometry: ion-selective electrode and pH measurement; high performance liquid chromatography; gas chromatography; detection limit in quantitative analysis
KAID 227 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAID 226 Analytical Chemistry
Sampling; sample preparation; acid-base titration; precipitation titration; complexometric titration; redox titration; spectrophotometric instruments (i.e., UV-visible, atomic absorption, atomic emission) ; electrochemical instruments ( i.e. , potentiometry, conductometry) ; chromatographic instruments ( i. e, gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography)
KAFT 260 Physical Chemistry 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Conservation of energy; spontaneous reactions; entropy and free energy; the concentration dependence of free energy; physical equilibria; transport phenomena; kinetics and enzyme kinetics
KAFT 270 General Microbiology 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAFT 271 General Microbiology Laboratory
Basic knowledge of microorganisms, particularly bacteria and fungi, regarding shape, structure, and functions; physiology and genetics, microbial classification, and taxonomy; host-microorganism interaction, control, and immunity; sterilization and disinfection; importance and application of major microorganisms in agriculture, industry, environment, and public health; use of life-long learning skills to support student development along with fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 271 General Microbiology Laboratory 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: KAFT 270 General Microbiology
Laboratory experiments on aseptic techniques and laboratory safety, stainingtechniques, morpho-logical examination of microorganisms by microscope, preparation of media, isolation of pure culture, selection, classification, culture, enumeration, growth, and preservation of microorganism; use of life-long learning skills to support student development along with fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 250 Food Processing I 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: None
Unit operations, properties of raw food material, postharvest handling for agricultural materials, food deterioration; principles of food preservation methods such as temperature and water activity control, and effects of preservation methods on food quality; principles of food processing techniques, such as minimal processing, heating, pasteurization and sterilization, chilling and freezing, drying and evaporation, extrusion and fermentation; operation of food processing; work effectively as a team, use of lifelong learning skills to support student development along with fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 261 Food Engineering I 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Mass and energy balance; fluid mechanics; heat transfer; mass transfer; selfresponsibility; work effectively with others, use of life-long learning skills to support student development
KAFT 330 Food and Nutrition 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAID 202 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Human nutritional requirement; nutritional value of various foods; nutritional requirement in different stages of life; diet therapy in patient and malnutrition person; the current issues of food for health; food law and regulations about healthy foods; critical thinking and teamwork along with fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 333 Food Safety and Sanitation 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I
Basic knowledge of food safety, regulations and requirements for food safety;effects of food processing on food safety; hygiene in food production in food factory,safety and sanitation control in the food production processes and in food products;good manufacturing practices (GMP), hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP),risk assessment of different food types; critical thinking
KAFT 334 Principles of Quality Control and Quality Assurance 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Concept of quality, principle, systematic methods and example of quality controland quality assurance in the food industry; quality control and management of rawmaterials, processes and final products; application of qc tools; demonstrate good ethicsand time management
KAFT 335 Food Law Regulation and Standard 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: None
Legislation, regulation, standard, patent and agencies about food products in the country and abroad; demonstrate moral and ethics; information acquisition from reliable sources
KAFT 350 Food Processing II 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I
Principles of emerging thermal and non-thermal food processing techniques such asaseptic processing, microwave heating, ohmic heating, high pressure processing, radiationirradiation, and membrane separation, and the use of integrated technology in foodprocessing; principle of cleaning and sanitation in food processing; principle of packagingtechnology; basics of plant layout for food industry; principle of waste management; useresources effectively; work effectively as a team along with fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 361 Food Engineering II 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: KAFT 261 Food Engineering I
Principles and importance of unit operations in food technology; basics ofcalculation and design for various methods of food manufacturing i.e., thermal and nonthermal processing, and manufacturing related to physical separation; self responsibility;work effectively with others
KAFT 372 Food Microbiology I 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAFT 270 General Microbiology, KAFT 271 General Microbiology Laboratory
The role of microorganisms in food processing and preservation; food contamination and spoilage; bacterial identification and foodborne disease; food production using microorganism for healthy food; microbiological techniques for identification and quantification of bacterial contamination in various kind of food products; utilization of resources effectively; teamwork and life-long learning skill as well as fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 373 Food Microbiology II 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAFT 372 Food Microbiology I
Controlling and killing of microorganisms in food industry, moist-heat and dry-heat ,irradiation of UV; using of food preservative, application of industrial sanitizer; detection of antibiotic residue in food by microbiological method; isolation of useful microorganisms; effect of microbial activity product on food; demonstrate in self-improvement and time management as well as fostering ethics and morality
KAFT 382 Food Chemistry I 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAID 224 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Physical and chemical change in food components, water, colloid system in foods, protein, lipid, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral, enzyme, pigments, browning reaction in food; laboratories on some chemical reactions in foods; work as a team; utilization of resources effectively, as well as fostering ethics and morality of the students
KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II 2 (2-0-4)
Prerequisite: KAFT 382 Food Chemistry I
Biochemistry of food and food processing of some food products for examples: meat, milk, vegetables and fruits, and cereal; chemical properties of flavor, hydrocolloids and food additives on the qualities of foods; functional foods, bioactive compounds, food toxicology; life-long learning skill as well as fostering ethics and morality of the students
KAFT 390 Food Analysis 4 (3-3-7)
Prerequisite: KAID 226 Analytical Chemistry, KAFT 382 Food Chemistry I
Principles, methods, and practices on the determination of food constituents; nutritional labeling; the determination of food quality in physical and chemical aspects; sensory evaluation; ethical awareness; work effectively with others
KAID 370 Experimental Design 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAID 270 Introduction to Statistics
Basic principle of experimental design; completely randomized design; randomized blocked design; Latin square design; factorial experiments; slit-plot experiment; SPSS program; Interpretation of the results from a statistical analysis
KAFT 430 Shelf Life Studies of Food Products 2 (1-3-3)
Prerequisite: KAFT 335 Food Law Regulation and Standard, KAFT 373 Food MicrobiologyII, KAFT 390 Food Analysis
Concept, methodology and applications of shelf-life study; physical deterioration, chemical deterioration, and microbial deterioration; and factors effecting shelf-life of food products (product composition, packaging, and storage and distribution); assess basic quality of food product during storage; communicate and work as a team effectively
KAFT 431 Product Development 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 390 Food Analysis
The principles and procedures of food product development including generating and screening of new product ideas; the development of product formulation, lab-scale production, consumer test, market and cost evaluation; teamwork, communicate sufficiently both orally and verbally, conduct experiment with ethics and moral considerations
KAFT 432 Seminar 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: KAFT 201 Computer Program Applications
Students’ searching the data related to food technology research; abstract writing; preparing the media for the seminar and presenting the topic about food technology effective communication with others; critical thinking
KAFT 433 Industrial Plant Studies 1 (0-3-1)
Prerequisite: KAFT 334 Principles of Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Visiting factories related to food industries; ethics and following rules of the visit; summarize the knowledge from visiting and critical thinking; write the report
KAFT 440 Practicum 2 (0-6-2)
Prerequisite: KAFT 333 Food Safety and Sanitation, KAFT 334 Principles of Quality Control and Quality Assurance, KAFT 390 Food Analysis
The study of the working processes and training in the food industry fields at least 8 weeks; integration of the theory and practical skills related to the knowledge of food technology; communication effectively, teamwork, ethics at work and self-responsibility
KAFT 442 Research Project 4 (0-12-4)
Prerequisite: KAID 370 Experimental Design, KAFT 430 Shelf Life Studies of Food Products, KAFT 431 Product Development
Carry out research project related to food technology using scientific method; oral presentation on project proposal and final report; write scientific report; critical thinking; communicate effectively; time and facilities management; ethics in research; demonstrate of self driven for improvement of the work
KAFT 443 Cooperative Education 6 (0-18-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 333 Food Safety and Sanitation, KAFT 334 Principles of Quality Control and Quality Assurance, KAFT 390 Food Analysis, KAID 370 Experimental Design, KAFT 430 Shelf Life Studies of Food Products, KAFT 431 Product Development
A cooperative study of students to perform their knowledge and skills asemployees at public or private organizations related to food technology for a continuous period of at least 16 weeks under the approval of the curriculum committee; the accomplishment including at least 30 hours of cooperative study preparation and orientation, cooperative study report and presentation works in the seminar either with advisors or cooperative study supervisors; use of life-long learning skills, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills, fostering ethics and morality and interaction skills to support student development
KAFT 410 Meat and Fishery Product Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II
Structure, properties and qualities as well as preparation and processing of meat, poultry, and fishery products such as freezing, canning, drying, salting, smoking, fermentation, and food additives in meat, poultry, and fisheries products; ethics in food business; life-long learning skill
KAFT 412 Waste Treatment and Utilization 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 350 Food Processing II
Introduction to by-products and waste generation in food production and processing; waste characteristics; solid waste and hazardous waste management; water and wastewater treatment technology; air pollution control; concept of waste management; types and characteristics of utilizable wastes; current situation of waste utilization; concepts and methods of pollution prevention of solid waste; principles of recycling, reuse, energy generation from waste, composting, other technologies of waste utilization; communicate sufficiently both orally and verbally; teamwork; social and environment responsibility
KAFT 413 Food Packaging Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 350 Food Processing II
Basic knowledge on important properties of packaging materials; material and package testing; material selection and packaging design for utilization, aesthetic, and distribution; packaging systems and technologies to improve shelf life and food safety; sustainable food packaging; and novel food packaging
KAFT 414 Food Fermentation Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 270 General Microbiology, KAFT 372 Food Microbiology I
History, importance of fermented food, starter cultures, raw materials, biochemical and chemical reactions in food fermentation; principle of food fermentation, Thai, and international fermented foods; use of life-long learning skills to support student development
KAFT 415 Cereal and Starch Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II
Structure, components and properties of various types of cereal grains; postharvesting management of cereal; processing of cereal grains to other products; starch biosynthesis; components and structure of starch granules; properties of native and modified starches; starch applications in food and other industries; work effectively with others
KAFT 416 Dairy and Dairy Product Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II
Introduction, raw milk management, analysis and standard; microorganisms related to the raw milk and dairy products; dairy processing, pasteurization, sterilization, utility systems; characteristics of dairy products, liquid milk, ice cream, cream and butter, cheese, yoghurt and fermented milk products, evaporated milk and milk powder; selfdevelopment improvement, positive thinking
KAFT 420 Sensory Analysis 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 390 Food Analysis
The principles and procedures of sensory evaluation for collecting consumers’ opinions and needs; sensory organs and factors that influence perception; measuring the consumers’ perceptions in responses to products; sensory data; methods used in sensory evaluation of consumer goods, different tests, consumer preference tests, consumer acceptance tests, and descriptive sensory analyses; conducting sensory tests; sensory data analysis relating to improve consumers’ product liking; teamwork; communicate sufficiently both orally and verbally, work with ethics and moral considerations
KAFT 421 Bakery Product Technology 3 (2-3-5)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II
Introduction to chemical and physical properties of flour and other principal ingredients used in production of bakery foods; study of major processing methods for making doughs such as breads, cakes, and pastry; the science of mixing and baking; examination of ingredient specifications role of quality control and keeping properties of bread and other bakery products; teamwork
KAFT 422 Beverage Technology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 250 Food Processing I, KAFT 350 Food Processing II
Types of beverages; compositions; quality control and standard of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; packaging technology and labeling; novel processing technology; carbonated, non-carbonated, concentrated, powdered beverages; beverages from vegetable, fruit, tea, coffee, cocoa; functional beverages; market trends; life-long learning skill
KAFT 423 Future Food 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAFT 350 Food Processing II, KAFT 383 Food Chemistry II
Overview of future food scenarios, scientific and technological advance in the science of food; culture, sustainability, and technology changing the future of food production; science of taste; the language of food; science of deliciousness; molecular gastronomy; nutraceuticals; functional ingredients; personalized nutrition; food biotechnology; food nanotechnology; food for athletes; the future of food production; life-long learning skill
KAFT 424 Fundamentals of Food Toxicology 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: KAID 202 Fundamentals of Biochemistry, KAFT 382 Food Chemistry I, KAFT 333 Food Safety and Sanitation
Principle of food toxicology; characteristics of toxins and toxicants; intoxication, biochemistry and physiology, toxication dosage; absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion; symptoms and toxication mechanisms; free radicals, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis; mechanisms of raw materials’ natural occurrent toxins; microorganisms and toxic bioactive compounds; allergens; risks and hazards from agrochemicals, food processing aids, food additives, heavy metal contamination; adverse food-food and food drug interactions; related regulations; management and prevention; critical thinking, communication, teamwork.
KAFT 220 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
An overview of logistics; procurement and delivery of goods; supply chain; planning in purchasing, production, inventory management, warehousing, channel distribution, and transportation; information technology for the logistic system enhancement
KAFT 221 Basics for Entrepreneur 3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to the entrepreneurship concept, considerations, and practices of the business’s establishment, business theories and operations; business opportunities, marketing and sales strategies, marketing planning, legal and risk management planning, and operational planning, human resources planning, business taxes, financial planning, business using big data and business ethics in food industry