Organization Culture

MUKA promotes organizational culture through transparent communication to inform employees of the organization’s direction, emphasizing continuous learning and knowledge sharing to foster employee engagement. Specifically, for managerial and leadership personnel, there’s an emphasis on creating participatory engagement, focusing on collective decision-making through joint meetings and decision-making. Additionally, learning exchange activities are organized monthly to support two-way communication.  For other staff groups, communication is specified as shown in “Involvement and Communication” for both internal and external public relations.

We want all staff to express their attitudes and behaviors relating to Mahidol Core Value (M-A-H-I-D-O-L) in the daily life and serve as a DNA for organization.  Further details about these behaviors are given in the following link.  Each year’s review results in activities promoting understanding of Mahidol Core Values, including:

  • Cultivating Mahidol culture through training programs via participatory learning activities
  • Acknowledging and honoring personnel with Integrity and Altruism by awarding certificates and prizes to outstanding staff members recognized by the campus committee and participating in the network to communicate Core Value understanding (link)
  • Managing staff meetings to strengthen management relationships and cooperation among different units.
  • Establishing core competencies that align with Core Values for clear measurement and implementation results.

Apart from Mahidol Core Value, we also want our staff to further express their attitudes to excellence cultures which could aim to our MUKA vision in the near future.  Four excellence cultures that we want to gloom our staff are “Agility”, “Continuous learning”, “Sense of belonging”, and “Sharing”.