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E-Mail: suravoot.yoo@mahidol.ac.th
MUREX: Suravoot Yooyongwech

Suravoot Yooyongwech
ดร.สุรวุฒน์ อยู่ยงเวชช์

ตำแหน่ง อาจารย์


  • Ph.D. (Agricultural Science) University of Tsukuba, Japan 2551



Most Recent Conference

High temperature enhanced zinc and water content changes in inflorescences and leaf shoot tips of longan, ไทย
The Asian Horticulture Congress (AHC) 2020 / 2563
Mutation changes in flower color and plant characteristics of Dendrobium by gamma-ray emission, ไทย
International Horticulture Forum (Horti ASIA 2018) / 2561
Growth Improvement, Physiological Adaptation and Grain yield of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.spp. indica cv.Lum Puaw) under Water Deficit using Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation, ญี่ปุ่น
ประชุมวิชาการ International Forum-Agriculture,Biology and Life Science (IFABL 2017) / 2560

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